Keynote Speakers

Prof. Stefano Maci

University of Siena, Italy

Read more about Prof. Stefano Maci

Jin Bains

CEO, Mini-Circuits, USA

Read more about Jin Bains

Amit Sokolov


Read more about Amit Sokolov

Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron

School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Read more about Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron

Invited Speakers

Prof. Francesco Andriulli

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Read more about Prof. Francesco Andriulli

Prof. Roberto D. Graglia

Politecnico di Torino,

Read more about Prof. Roberto D. Graglia

Prof. Yejun He

Shenzhen University

Read more about Prof. Yejun He

Prof. Vadim Issakov

Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany

Read more about Prof. Vadim Issakov

Prof. Polina Kuzhir

University of Eastern Finland

Read more about Prof. Polina Kuzhir

Prof. Antonio Maffucci

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy

Read more about Prof. Antonio Maffucci

Prof. Vladimir I. Okhmatovski

University of Manitoba, Canada

Read more about Prof. Vladimir I. Okhmatovski

Dr. Felix Vega

Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Read more about Dr. Felix Vega

Prof. Andrea Massa

University of Trento, Italy

Read more about Prof. Andrea Massa

Prof. Dmitri Mogilevtsev

National Academy of Sciences

Read more about Prof. Dmitri Mogilevtsev

Prof. Giacomo Oliveri

ELEDIA Research Center, ELEDIA@UniTN, University of Trento, Italy

Read more about Prof. Giacomo Oliveri

Prof. Zoya Popovic

University of Colorado, USA

Read more about Prof. Zoya Popovic

Dr. Andrej Rumiantsev

MPI Corporation, Taiwan

Read more about Dr. Andrej Rumiantsev

Prof. Mei Song Tong

Tongji University, China

Read more about Prof. Mei Song Tong

Prof. Paolo Rocca

University of Trento, Italy

Read more about Prof. Paolo Rocca

Prof. Ludger Klinkenbusch

Kiel University, Germany

Read more about Prof. Ludger Klinkenbusch

Prof. Shanker Balasubramaniam

Ohio State University, USA

Read more about Prof. Shanker Balasubramaniam

Dr. Thomas Robert Jones

Purdue University, USA

Read more about Dr. Thomas Robert Jones

Prof. Hagit Attiya

Technion, Israel

Read more about Prof. Hagit Attiya

Prof. Vitaliy Lomakin

University of California, San Diego, USA

Read more about Prof. Vitaliy Lomakin

Prof. Fedor Kusmartsev

Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Read more about Prof. Fedor Kusmartsev

Prof. Olav Breinbjerg

Independent Consultant, Denmark

Read more about Prof. Olav Breinbjerg

Prof. Eric Michielssen

University of Michigan, USA

Read more about Prof. Eric Michielssen

Prof. Ingmar Kallfass

University of Stuttgart, Germany

Read more about Prof. Ingmar Kallfass

Prof. Giuliano Manara

University of Pisa, Italy

Read more about Prof. Giuliano Manara

Prof. Mário G. Silveirinha

University of Lisbon, Portugal

Read more about Prof. Mário G. Silveirinha

Prof. Nadav Levanon

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Read more about Prof. Nadav Levanon

Dr. Sema Dumanli

Boğaziçi University, Turkey

Read more about Dr. Sema Dumanli

Prof. Dimitrios Peroulis

Purdue University, USA

Read more about Prof. Dimitrios Peroulis

Prof. Avraham (Avi) Gover

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Read more about Prof. Avraham (Avi) Gover

Prof. Nils Pohl

Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

Read more about Prof. Nils Pohl

Prof. Carmit Hazay

Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Read more about Prof. Carmit Hazay

Prof. Emanuel Cohen

Technion, Israel

Read more about Prof. Emanuel Cohen

Dr. Ariel Cohen

Intel, Israel

Read more about Dr. Ariel Cohen

Dr. Nicolás Wainstein

Intel and Technion, Israel

Read more about Dr. Nicolás Wainstein

Adee Ran

Cisco Systems, Israel

Read more about Adee Ran

Dr. John Lau

Unimicron Technology Corporation, USA

Read more about Dr. John Lau

Prof. Felix J. Yanovsky

Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Read more about Prof. Felix J. Yanovsky

Prof. Toms Salgals

Riga Technical University, Latvia

Read more about Prof. Toms Salgals

Prof. Ittay Eyal

ECE, Technion

Read more about Prof. Ittay Eyal

Dr. Stephen Weinstein

IEEE COMCAS Honorary Life Member and TPC Co-Chair, Communications, Former President of IEEE COMSOC, USA

Read more about Dr. Stephen Weinstein

Prof. Emmanouil M Tentzeris

Georgia Tech, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, USA

Read more about Prof. Emmanouil M Tentzeris

Prof. Andrey Bogdanov

Harbin Engineering University, China

Read more about Prof. Andrey Bogdanov

Welcome to IEEE COMCAS 2024

On behalf of the IEEE COMCAS 2024 Steering Committee, it is our pleasure to launch the 9th International IEEE Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas, Biomedical Engineering, and Electronic Systems (IEEE COMCAS 2024). In 2024, the international IEEE COMCAS will continue to evolve and provide an advanced multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas, research results, and industry experience in a range of key areas, including microwaves, communications and sensors, antennas, biomedical engineering, RF and microwave devices and circuits, thermal management and electronic packaging, signal processing, and imaging, as well as radar, acoustics, and microwave system engineering. The event encompasses a technical program, industry exhibits, and guest presentations from global experts on recent academic and industry advancements.


We invite you to join us in Tel Aviv from July 9 to 11, 2024, and be a part of our active community at IEEE COMCAS for a full-scale, in-person conference featuring an impressive plenary, nine parallel sessions, and numerous workshops. In parallel, our professional exhibition will feature leading companies showcasing cutting-edge technology and innovation. Industry representatives are excited to meet you there!


Understanding the current situation in Israel may limit some travelers, we are offering a hybrid participation option for overseas delegates. Stay tuned for more details on the virtual platform and guidelines for remote presenters.


IEEE COMCAS is recognized as one of the world's leading IEEE conferences and a specialty in its field. The event receives hundreds of manuscript submissions, draws together speakers from public, private, and academic practices, and presents the next frontier of industry potential.


Held before the COVID-19 pandemic, IEEE COMCAS 2019 was our greatest success to date, with nearly 1900 attendees, over 240 guest lectures in 88 sessions, participants from 39 countries, and exhibitors from more than 100 industry vendors. Despite COVID-19 and its impact on events and travel, IEEE COMCAS 2021 successfully attracted approximately 1200 attendees. We are confident that IEEE COMCAS 2024 will exceed our expectations on both a professional and personal level.


Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to engage with the latest advancements and network with industry leaders.

We look forward to welcoming you to IEEE COMCAS 2024!


  • Shmuel Auster
    General Chair
    Chair, IEEE Israel Section
  • Amir Boag
    Technical Program Chair

Watch, Hear & Learn

Exchange ideas, get updates on the latest research results and industry experiences, meet and learn from leading experts and speakers, participate in attractive workshops and interactive seminars.

Visit Exhibition

Interact with 100 international exhibitors demonstrating the latest in technology. See and ask questions related to the latest products, components and materials and expand your business suppliers and partners' network.

Meet & Connect

You can get a year’s worth of networking done in your industry in three conference days.

This is your opportunity to not only meet and ask but offer and suggest. A chance to get together with the leaders from your industry that can take your business one step forward.

  • 1600+ Participants
  • 40 Countries
  • 230 Presentations
  • 90 Exhibitors

Become a Patron

Being a patron of the IEEE COMCAS 2024 Conference & Exhibition provides a great mean of broadening your competitive edge by improving your company’s image, prestige and credibility in the fields of Microwaves, Communications, Antennas, Biomedical Engineering and Electronic Systems. The Conference & Exhibition are means of accessing a wide range of audiences, including decision makers, academia, customers and business partners in a variety of related sectors.

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